Friday, January 6, 2012

A Call To Greatness

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called (Ephesians 4:1 NKJV).

The Bible says that many are called, but few are chosen.  As we consider Paul’s admonition to walk in a manner worthy of the call, it is important to realize that Paul also adds the qualifying statement, “to which you have been called.”  If he had left it at a manner worthy, it would be implied that the manner worthy would be the same for each believer and it would correlate to the model in which Jesus walked.  On the one hand, that’s true.  But on the other it is much more personal.  It is not just a call to holiness, but to greatness. 

Considering that we are knit together in our mother’s womb, that God has a specific Jeremiah 29:11 plan for each of us, and that there are Ephesian 2:10 good works we are to walk in that were created for us before the foundation of the world, then it seems that the Holy Spirit is helping us to see that the only way to attain true greatness in this life is to align ourselves in complete congruence with all of these things – how we were created, the plan for which we were created, and the exact works that make up that plan.

It is more than a little disconcerting to realize that I can just be a good Christian all my life – dotting my “i’s” and crossing my “t’s” and still miss the mark.  If I am not playing full out in pursuit of the destiny God specifically designed for me, then I am living a life of compromise that is not worthy of the calling to which I have been called.

This sobering truth is overwhelming when we consider the consequences of getting it wrong.  However, God never gives us something to do that He has also not given us the way to do it.  The key in this case lies in the Ephesians 2:10 good works.  When we seek the Lord daily, we will not miss the things He has for us to do that day and we will be empowered with the grace to do them.  Then, at the end of our days, we will look back and see the Jeremiah 29 plan unfolded in hindsight and realize that our daily steps of obedience led to a lifetime of worthy walking and a legacy of greatness.

Today, I will seek God for the eyes to see what He sees as important and not get caught up in the mundane and meaningless trap of the unworthy and non-essential details of my day.

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