Saturday, May 24, 2014

Ephesians 2:6

For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6 NLT). 

Most Christians would acknowledge the fact that when we die, we will end up in Heaven because of what Jesus did for us at the cross.  While that’s true, it lacks a critical element of the timing that Paul is pointing out to the believers in Ephesus.  Certainly there will be a future event when the trumpet sounds and the dead in Christ will rise (1 Thessalonians 4:16), but look at this verse very closely.  It says that God “raised” us from the dead along with Christ and “seated” us with Him.  Those are past tense verbs.  That means it has already happened. 

When we get over the initial inability of our minds to comprehend the “how” that happened, we can rest and marvel in the fact that it somehow did happen.  This revelation brings incredible implications to our everyday world.  If I were to operate from this premise that in some form or fashion, which I may or may not understand, I am already in Heaven and seated with Christ because of my position “in” Him, can you imagine how that would change everything?  When I set my hand to a mundane task, I’m operating as a citizen of Heaven.  When I meet someone for the first time and they ask, “So, where do you live?,” it is a great witnessing tool to say, “Oh, I live in Heaven.”  Or how about when someone wrongs me?  Can I really take offense if I am surrounded by an angelic host of beings that are watching how I handle it?  What about when I am tempted to lose my temper, fudge the truth, give in to despair, covet what I don’t have, or any of the other ridiculous petty things I concern myself with as a citizen of earth?  They all pale in comparison to where I’m supposed to have my real citizenship.

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:20 NKJV),
There it is again.  Paul stresses again to the Ephesians that we are waiting for Jesus to come again, but where are we waiting?  We are waiting for Him from Heaven.  

As crazy and unfathomable as this truth is, it still is true.  Therefore, today I will walk by faith in this truth and live as a citizen of Heaven.

Check out Gennarino’s devotion on this verse:  Ephesians 2:6.

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