Monday, February 6, 2012

Gratitude Promotes Praise

So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them—walking, leaping, and praising God (Acts 3:8 NKJV).

Gratitude is a powerful partner of praise.  When we are grateful, there is an accompanying attitude of humility and indebtedness towards the source of our thanksgiving.  This is the picture we see so poignantly painted in this scene.  Consider for just one moment the change that has taken place.  This man got up the morning of this event in the same mindset that he awoke every day – one of resign to a future defined by circumstances.  He had no control over his situation.  Born lame from birth, his future was settled.  Not only would he never have the potential for a normal life, he would actually be labeled as someone who was a lesser human being.  The prevailing theory about his condition was that he had somehow sinned and his paralysis was his punishment.  This theory is clearly seen in the question the disciples asked Jesus about another healing they witness in John 9:

His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
John 9:2 NIV).

So we can assume that this man at the Gate Beautiful has spent his entire life under the stigma of the assumption that he is a sinner with sub-human potential, and certainly not worthy of any more than a possible donation of pity through a couple of pennies in his cup.  We can also bet that this beggar has been the brunt of some very unkind and ruthless remarks that have probably left him emotionally wounded and no doubt distrustful of the majority of mankind. 

Yet, in one moment of time, the entire course of his life changes.  He goes from unworthy sinner to the subject of God’s gracious healing.  He moves from his mat to the majesty of walking in full potential of everything life could and should be for a man.  And for the first time in his existence, he can enter the temple of the God who has restored him to wholeness. 

It is no wonder that the gratitude in this man’s heart emerges in the form of him leaping into the temple with praise on his lips for the God who was able to take him from bondage to freedom in one moment of trust. 

Are any bells ringing in your heart when you read of this man’s transformation?  It is a clear reminder to me of my own beggarly existence before I met Jesus.  I was crippled with sin, unworthy, an emotional wreck, and in grave need of a moment with Jesus.  And I can remember that moment like it was yesterday.  In the hopelessness of my circumstances, God held out His holy hand, locked arms with me and has never let go.  He pulled me up onto my feet and set me on a course that changed not just my life, but the lives of all who witnessed the power of God in and through me.

Today, I will express my heart of gratitude by praising God in a tangible way in the life of someone else.

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