Monday, February 28, 2011
3-D Church
Friday, February 25, 2011
Building Strong, Not Just Pretty
The whole building is held together by him. It rises to become a holy temple because it belongs to the Lord (Ephesians 2:21 NIRV)
Christ is the chief cornerstone that holds together my life in Him. He is directing the construction of the building day by day, month by month, and year by year. All of the significant and mundane moments of my life are under the watchful eye of the Master builder.
The verse speaks volumes to the sovereignty and providence of God. We tend to feel that when everything in our lives is spinning out of control that Jesus has somehow lost sight of us or forgotten us. Yet, we often forget what goes into the construction of a building. There is a lot of digging into the foundation to set the floor, sawing of wood to perfectly fit and fashion the walls and roof, and the pounding and piercing of nails to make sure that the structure stays together. It is not until the painful, tedious, and not as much fun work is accomplished that the glorious moments of the project can be enjoyed - when the paint goes on a wall, transforming it into a beautiful, warm room and when the crown molding turns a simple line into a work of art.
It is Jesus Christ Himself who holds my entire life in His hands. He is digging, sawing, pounding, and piercing His truth into the very heart of my building, all for the purpose of putting on the finishing touches of grace, mercy, faith, and love.
When I am tempted to think that God has forgotten or abandoned me, I need to remember that He is in every detail of the project – from start to finish – making sure that the house is not just beautiful, but strong enough to withstand the storms it will certainly encounter.
The whole building is held together by him. It rises to become a holy temple because it belongs to the Lord (Ephesians 2:21 NIRV)
Christ is the chief cornerstone that holds together my life in Him. He is directing the construction of the building day by day, month by month, and year by year. All of the significant and mundane moments of my life are under the watchful eye of the Master builder.
The verse speaks volumes to the sovereignty and providence of God. We tend to feel that when everything in our lives is spinning out of control that Jesus has somehow lost sight of us or forgotten us. Yet, we often forget what goes into the construction of a building. There is a lot of digging into the foundation to set the floor, sawing of wood to perfectly fit and fashion the walls and roof, and the pounding and piercing of nails to make sure that the structure stays together. It is not until the painful, tedious, and not as much fun work is accomplished that the glorious moments of the project can be enjoyed - when the paint goes on a wall, transforming it into a beautiful, warm room and when the crown molding turns a simple line into a work of art.
It is Jesus Christ Himself who holds my entire life in His hands. He is digging, sawing, pounding, and piercing His truth into the very heart of my building, all for the purpose of putting on the finishing touches of grace, mercy, faith, and love.
When I am tempted to think that God has forgotten or abandoned me, I need to remember that He is in every detail of the project – from start to finish – making sure that the house is not just beautiful, but strong enough to withstand the storms it will certainly encounter.